PlayStation 4


3480 GAMES

118 Million Units Sold

PlayStation 4
Launch & Origins
The PlayStation 4 launched in North America on November 15, 2014. This was a first as Japan had traditionally had the day one releases.
Coming from the PlayStation 3, Sony learned from their mistakes and catered to their customers needs and sales showed this with PlayStation overtaking XBOX's reign from the previous generations console war which many say the XBOX 360 won.
While the PlayStation 4 is not considered the best PlayStation of all time it was the most successful console of it's generation and it proved that PlayStation had the superior hand when it came to exclusives as XBOX slowly lost all it's console exclusives to PC.
This generation would also be the one to introduce the PRO version of the PlayStation with the introduction of the PlayStation 4 PRO, which was announced on the same day as the PlayStation 4 Slim. The PS4 PRO catered to those who wanted the extra performance and it enabled 2K resolution and higher frame rates in select games making the already great PS4 experience even better.
Still kicking!
The PlayStation 4 will be remembered for going strong for over 10 years in production and with quite a few once in a generation titles such as the Last of Us, God of War, and many more. The PS4 became the second selling console of all time in 2019, behind the PlayStation 2 and continues production well into 2024.

Check out our curated list of our top games on the PlayStation 4.